producthunt special: 50% off all packages 🚀

drive more sales with a 3x faster woocommerce store*

We get your store to <2s load time within 3 days, or it’s free.

Used by

+ 100’s of other shopify & woocommerce store owners!

*average page speed improvement across our clients

producthunt special: 50% off all packages 🚀

drive more sales with a 3x* faster woocommerce store

We get your store to <2s load time within 3 days, or it’s free.

Used by

+ 100’s of other shopify & woocommerce store owners!

*average page speed improvement across our clients

We’re proud to work with the best

Fact: your site speed directly impacts your revenue, not to mention your search rankings 💳


the average page speed of the highest converting landing pages


faster pagespeed can increase conversions by 1.8%


the average conversion rate drop associated with each additional second of load time.


of consumers admit that page speed impacts their willingness to buy from an online retailer.

we built zippy so you don’t have to stress about speed, We take care of everything so that you can focus on what you do best 👉 execute 👈

Not your grandma’s speed optimization service ⚡️

We work across your entire stack to optimize performance & speed.

cookie notices

Clear, compliant and non-intrusive – we manage cookie notices to avoid slowing your site down.

database, css, js caching

Supercharge your site with strategic caching. Faster database, CSS, and JS loading times guaranteed.

svg compression

Sharper, smaller, faster. We compress your SVG files for quicker load times without losing quality.

CDN management

Distribute your content swiftly and smoothly around the globe with our meticulous CDN management.

Hosting review & optimization

Hosting hitches? We’ll review your hosting provider and optimize for top-speed performance.

seo & redirect chains

Keep search engines happy and your customers on the right track with streamlined SEO & redirect chains.

plugin cleanup

Bye-bye, bloat. We declutter your site, trimming unnecessary plugins to lighten the load.

server configuration

PHP, APACHE, MYSQL, NGINX, Varnish, HAProxy, Redis – whatever your stack, we optimize it for speed.

Image optimization

Crisp visuals, faster load times. We compress and optimize your images without sacrificing quality.

& more

Above and beyond. Expect comprehensive, customized solutions to supercharge your WooCommerce site.

cookie notices

Clear, compliant and non-intrusive – we manage cookie notices to avoid slowing your site down.

database, css, js caching

Supercharge your site with strategic caching. Faster database, CSS, and JS loading times guaranteed.

svg compression

Sharper, smaller, faster. We compress your SVG files for quicker load times without losing quality.

CDN management

Distribute your content swiftly and smoothly around the globe with our meticulous CDN management.

Hosting review & optimization

Hosting hitches? We’ll review your hosting provider and optimize for top-speed performance.

seo & redirect chains

Keep search engines happy and your customers on the right track with streamlined SEO & redirect chains.

plugin cleanup

Bye-bye, bloat. We declutter your site, trimming unnecessary plugins to lighten the load.

Not your grandma’s speed optimization service ⚡️

We work across your entire stack to optimize performance & speed.

server configuration

PHP, APACHE, MYSQL, NGINX, Varnish, HAProxy, Redis – whatever your stack, we optimize it for speed.

Image optimization

Crisp visuals, faster load times. We compress and optimize your images without sacrificing quality.

& more

Above and beyond. Expect comprehensive, customized solutions to supercharge your WooCommerce site.

at jetpet, our conversion rate went up 5% after going through with zippy’s optimization service. we were shocked. this service easily paid for itself, and we would buy it again in an instant for other projects!

James Woller

co-owner at jetpet

packages for every woocommerce store



For stores doing <$10k MRR

Comprehensive site speed audit
Basic plugin cleanup
Cookie notice setup
PHP / Database audit
Image optimization for up to 500 images
Minification of CSS / JS / HTML
CDN setup
Browser caching setup
Basic theme optimization
Detailed report w/ recommendations



For stores doing $10k-$150k MRR. Includes everything in starter +

Server audit & configuration
Cloudflare setup & configuration
Deep plugin clean
Advanced theme optimization
Detailed before & after reporting
3 months of unlimited speed support


For stores doing $150k+ MRR
Custom speed optimization services for complicated infrastructures.

meet the zippy guarantee

it’s our promise to you about how we’ll fulfill your order

<2s load time ⚡️

Say goodbye to buffering. We promise your site will load in less than 2 seconds, or your money back.

>90 pagespeed insight 🚀

Shoot for the stars. We guarantee a Google Pagespeed Insights score of 90 or higher, boosting your SEO ranking.

done in 3 days 🛡️

No dragging feet here. We’ll have your site zipping along in 3 days flat, without cutting any corners.

Or you’ll get a 100% refund

Read the full guarantee below

ready for speed?

the faster you speed up your site, the faster you take advantage of an increased conversion rate & better SEO rankings.

ready for speed?

the faster you speed up your site, the faster you take advantage of an increased conversion rate & better SEO rankings.

still got questions?

What types of woocommerce stores are a fit for your services?

We don’t discriminate. Any typical woocommerce install is a good fit for our services. If you’ve developed complicated custom solutions within your business, it’ll likely take us extra effort.

will using your service improve our seo?

Generally, Google ranks websites that provide a better user experience higher in it’s search results. A fast site is a site with a better user experience. It’s highly likely this is a direct and indirect factor for Google’s rankings.

What if I don’t hit <2s load speeds?

This is rare, but if it does happen – we’ll do our best to recommend moves for you to make in order to hit that <2s load speed. If the case qualifies for the zippy guarantee, we’ll process a refund.

Will I get a chance to ok changes before you make them?

Yes & no – depending on the change. Simple, reversible changes we will just make. Complicated changes we’ll seek your input on.

Will my store need to experience downtime?

If you’ve got a staging server, we’re happy to optimize there. Otherwise, there’s a risk of limited downtime in the case we’re making changes while customers are trying to checkout.

Who do you usually work with?

Our typical clients are small-to-mid size ecommerce stores with lots of SKU’s and limited (or distractd!) engineering capability in-house.

will you optimize my images?

Yep, depending on your site, we’ll be – at a minimum – losslessly processing all your images.

How do you manage plugin conflicts?

Carefully & with lots of testing!

Have you worked with high-traffic sites before?

Yep – lots of them.

Have you worked with WPML?

Yep – and we can handle optimizations for these sites as well.

what’s your technical support policy after you speed up my site?

For essentials: we’ll be around for a month to support
For advanced: we’ll be around for 3 months to support

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